13 Apr 2007 News for NTIA/ITS HF Propagation Models (WINDOWS version) 13 Apr 2007 1. Recent analysis discovered a problem with the combination of radio noise algorithm developed by Don Spaulding. This can be viewed at http://www.its.bldrdoc.gov/pub/ntia-rpt/87-212/ . This has precipitated a modification to the Spaulding algorithm which will be submitted to the ITU to update Recommendation ITU-R P.372-8 Combination of Radio Noise at the April 2007 meetings. This submission document and a corresponding computer program which can calculate the combination of radio noise can be downloaded from: http://www.greg-hand.com/noise Note that it is a little complicated to compare the output of this program (gh_noise.exe) with the noise power produced by VOACAP and ICEPAC. This is because of several factors: 1. gh_noise produces results in local time at Rx, VOACAP/ICEPAC is UT at Tx. This allows gh_noise to produce exactly the world Fam contours found in ITU-R P.372-8 (and CCIR Report 322-3). 2. VOACAP & ICEPAC will include antenna efficiency in noise power.a gh_noise has no knowledge of an antenna. Thus, make sure you use an isotrope for the receive antenna. If you use SWWHIP.VOA, it has an efficiency of -4.8 dB. 3. Quite often in HF frequencies, Galactic noise is not included because it cannot penetrate the ionosphere. Thus, you may need to exclude Galactic noise when using gh_noise. gh_noise allows the calculation of radio noise to be done three (3) different ways: 1. "new" modified Spaulding algorithm 2. Original Spaulding algorithm 3. Simple power sum (used in REC533) For most HF users, very little difference will be noticed, especially above 7 MHz. Most differences will be found at lower frequencies when low levels of Man-made noise are selected (remote and below). In these cases, the new noise calculation will be slightly higher than those previously. I have left a way to temporarily compare the two algorithms. In the Point-to-Point model, if you set the year to 2089, it will use the original Spaulding. Otherwise, the modified Spaulding will be used. By the year 2089, I assume this program will no longer be in use. :)