28 Dec 2007 News for NTIA/ITS HF Propagation Models (WINDOWS version) 28 Dec 2007 1. A transparent change was made to VOACAP. Someone pointed out that the goemagnetic north pole moves and he wants to see what affect moving the pole has. The geomagnetic north pole coordinates (glat, glon) were fixed in subroutine geom at (78.50N, 69.00W). These coordinates are now located in the file: ..\database\north_pole.txt If this file does not exist, the location (78.5,-69.0) is used. For a user to change this, he should copy the file: ..\database\north_pole.txt to: ..\run\north_pole.txt and then change the first record of this file. The file in the "run" directory will override the file in the "database" directory. Remember that it is your responsibility to remember which output file corresponds to what values of (glat, glon). There is currently no information in the output file indicating the (glat, glon) values. It is recommended that no one change this location without knowing what they are doing. Documentation about this change is found in the file: ..\database\north_pole.txt This change has not been made to ICEPAC or REC533.